Friday 28 March 2008

Week 6: Information on the 15% Term Project

Here are the steps of how you will complete the project.
1. Go to the following website:
This website is the BBC radio podcasts directory. Here you can find hundreds of radio programs recorded and you can download these radio programs on your computer.
2. Click on Browse by A-Z link. This link will take you to radio programs with topics from A-Z.
3. Click on one of the letters, for example A. You will see a page showing different radio programs all about a topic starting with A.
4. Look at the names of the radio programs and choose a program you find interesting. Click on the Podcast link on the radio program. For example, if you click on Africa Today, you will find radio programs related with stories or news about Africa.
5. When you click on the Podcast, you will go to a page that shows the latest episodes (programs) you can download. Look at the titles and choose one you find interesting.
6. The latest episodes are given starting with the newest podcast posted [ATTENTION! the older podcasts are removed after a week and new podcasts are posted, so try to pick one from the latest posts!!!]
7. To download the radio program, right click on the download episode link (ATTENTION! if you left click, you can listen to the program but you cannot save it on your computer, so you should right click on the link and choose save as, then save the file on your computer).
8. Before you decide to use the podcast, listen to it first; if you find it too difficult or boring, etc. you may want to choose a different one.
9. When you have picked up your topic, you send me an e-mail to my address, and tell me what program you have decided to download (and copy paste the link as well so that I can go to the same program and download it). After I confirm that you can use it, you can start listening and transcribing the program. [ATTENTION! You must inform me as soon as you have decided on the program you want to download; so that I can check the program, download it as well (because I have to download the same program later to listen and assess your project), and send you a confirmation. Because the podcasts are removed after a week or so, we'll have to download them before they are removed!!!]. If you don't let me know and I don't download the same program, and you turn in your project and I don't have the program to listen to, you get no mark!...
10. You have to listen to 3 minutes of the program. The radio podcasts you will find are usually much longer than 3 minutes. So, if you have a program which is, for example 10 minutes long, you can share it with two other people. This means, 3 people can share the program and listen to different sections. Maximum 3 people can share a radio podcast, so even a podcast is 15 minutes long, still 3 people can share it maximum.
11. If you decide to share a podcast with other friends, you must inform me as well.

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